Status: Gallery

Fergus Feehily “Early Lonesome”

Fergus Feehily
Misako & Rosen
“Early Lonesome”
16.1. – 29.2.2020

LA MAISON DE RENDEZ-VOUS is a cabin, it might be a hut or a salon out of time, a step into the past or a pause, a waiting room. It is a novel read on a train, on a speeding shinkansen, or as dumb as it sounds, a dream. The novel has no beginning and no end. The past is adjacent with the now. Dreams have become unmentionable, normal and yet unknowable, but things still arrive in dreams.

Feehily’s work pulls in all sorts of directions, both temporal and physical, though at their core these works are simple and modest things, paint, paper, wood, the found, the made and the glued. Perhaps this gluing and assembling is what gives them the potential to range across so many associations. Like a small salon, a beautiful hut, a waiting room or a meeting place, they contain most anything we can think about.

MISAKO & ROSEN is pleased to present a solo exhibition by artist Fergus Feehily. Feehily was born in Dublin (1968) and lives and works in Berlin and Helsinki. Significant exhibitions include the Douglas Hyde Gallery, Dublin, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, Dallas Museum of Art and Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery. Feehily recently curated the exhibition. Constellations, for the Academy of Fine Arts, Helsinki.


AddressLA MAISON DE RENDEZ-VOUS 23 Avenue Jef Lambeaux 1060 Brussels, Belgium


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