ステータス: ギャラリー

Yamanaka Suplex "Salt of the Blood"

Saturday, August 21, 2021 ‒ Saturday, September 11, 2021

Yamanaka Suplex is a shared studio on the former site of a storage yard for materials owned by a civil engineering and construction firm. Located on the border between Kyoto and Shiga prefectures, it was established in 2014 under the concept of "overturning the world's outlook on values." The enormous lot contains outdoor space allowing the production of large-scale works, such as three-dimensional art made with plastic, metal, stone, wood, ceramics, and other materials. The studio even has a gallery for holding exhibits.

One factor that generally presents a big obstacle to the subsistence of studios is trouble with neighboring residents. We often hear of conflict arising from odors accompanying production as well as noise, dust, and other things. Although there are a number artist-run spaces in Japan, Yamanaka Suplex is rare for its location in the mountains, far from the nearest community. Besides offering an environment that enables artists to concentrate on their creative activities, the site adds a certain dynamism to the events, exhibitions, and workshops its members hold in Yamanaka Suplex and various other places. The studio attracts many visitors and has been given high marks by them.

The drive-in exhibition titled The Analogical Mirrors that was held last year was an especially engrossing project. Under the curation of Takuya Tsutsumi, the program director, it drew the participation of 11 studio members and four artists from outside Japan, and made full use of the Yamanaka Suplex lot. The attendees viewed the works by driving through the grounds. Because they never left their vehicles in the process, there was almost no conversation or contact with those outside. The exhibition consisted of a variety of elements, including paintings, 3D works, and the production landscape itself. Video works were shown on a large screen as in a drive-in theater, and the experience of watching them in a venue surrounded by the mountainous scenery was a very special one. At present, people are refraining from engaging in many cultural and economic activities in order to prevent the spread of Covid-19, and therefore spending much time in isolation, cut off from contact with the outside world. This closed social situation itself was reflected in the methodology of the exhibition. From their mountaintop vantage, the artists of Yamanaka Suplex quietly contemplate the social structure and systemic arrangements, pull them into their reality, and express the results. Their flexibility and agility in so doing may very well have the potential to indeed overturn the values of contemporary society, whose members are looking for reasons to refrain from or cease action as regards all kinds of things.

This project is comprised of two parts: the exhibition titled Salt of the Blood held at LEESAYA and that titled Light of My World to be held in the city of Fukuchiyama, Kyoto Prefecture in October. Showing 3D and flat works, respectively, the two exhibitions will reconsider the system of artworks, each from their own directions.

At LEESAYA, which will have a setup differing from its normal one for this exhibition, eight members of Yamanaka Suplex will display 3D works. Artists from the Kansai region will be present at the gallery on the opening day of the exhibition's run. We hope to see you there!

血の塩/Salt of the Blood

2021年08月21日(土) - 09月11日(土)



その中でも、昨年に行われたドライブイン展覧会「類比の鏡/The Analogical Mirrors」は大変興味深い試みでした。プログラムディレクターである堤拓也のキュレーションにより、スタジオメンバー11名と国外アーティスト4名が参加した、山中supelxの敷地をフル活用した展覧会です。来場者は車に乗ったままドライブスルーの要領で作品を鑑賞して周りますが、その間車から降りることは一度もなく、外部との会話や接触はほとんどありません。ペインティングや、立体作品、制作風景そのものなど、様々な要素で展覧会は成り立っており、特に映像作品はドライブインシアターのように大きなスクリーンで展示され、山に囲まれた会場の中で鑑賞する体験は非常に特殊なものでした。新型コロナウイルス感染拡大防止のために多くの文化事業及び、経済活動が自粛され、外部との接続を遮断し孤立を強いられた閉鎖的な社会状況そのものが、展覧会というメソッドに落とし込まれていました。社会の構造や、システムの体系を山の上から静かに見つめ、彼らのリアリティに引き寄せ、表現する柔軟性と機動力は、様々な事柄に対して「やらない・辞める理由」を探している現在の社会の価値観をひっくり返す可能性を秘めているように思います。

今回、LEESAYAで開催する「血の塩/Salt of the Blood」と、10月に行われる福知山での展覧会「余の光/Light of My World」の2部構成で、立体と平面、それぞれのディレクションからアート作品の体系について再考を試みます。



住所3–14–2 Shimomeguro, Meguro-Ku, Tokyo, 153–0064, Japan


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