東京都港区六本木6-5-24 complex665 2F

ステータス: ギャラリー

桑原正彦 Masahiko Kuwahara "heavenly peach"
2020年7月10日 [金] - 8月8日 [土] 日月祝休

July 10 - August 8, 2020 11am-7pm CLOSED: Sun, Mon, National Holidays



本展のタイトル「heavenly peach」は芳香剤のような、何かが終わった後に残っている微かな香りのイメージだと桑原は言います。出展作の「遺品」も、亡くなった人の持物が持ち主がいなくなった後にもぽつんと残っている、その儚げな様子を表しています。 


Tomio Koyama Gallery is pleased to present “heavenly peach,” an exhibition with Masahiko Kuwahara. This marks the artist’s 12th solo presentation with the gallery, and introduces a selection of new works.

Since the latter half of the 1990s, Kuwahara has consistently created works that focus on the changes to the environment in which we live that have been brought about as a result of human desires.

From development, to efficiency, mass production, processing, cleaning, destruction and pollution associated with seeking commercial value, Kuwahara depicts the various changes that accompany his childhood memories of growing up during Japan’s period of economic prosperity in the 1960s and 70s. What is observed in his work are uncanny creatures, animals kept as pets, toys, landscapes, as well as the images of unknown girls and ready-built houses seen on newspaper flyers.

Seals that have appeared in the ocean contaminated by pollution, endure and survive in this new habitat, all the while enticing people with their adorable cuteness. Finding such creatures endearing is also indeed a reflection of human desire. This despairing yet paradise-like world that they convey is one of significant appeals of Kuwahara’s work.

Kuwahara mentions that in the title of the exhibition, “heavenly peach,” he envisions a subtle fragrance like an air freshener of sorts that remains after something has come to an end.

Although suggesting the irony and feelings of fleeting emptiness that permeates our contemporary age, Kuwahara’s works are by no means a blunt refusal of this. He light-heartedly captures thorough a kind and affectionate gaze, the humor within our world that we continue to overlook. How does such an artist view our current circumstances? The statement that the artist has written for the exhibition also reflects his outlook on the world as is depicted in his latest works.

We welcome viewers to enjoy the latest installment of the artist’s oeuvre.


住所〒106-0032 東京都港区六本木6-5-24 complex665 2F


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