
折元立身 : ゴースト・オブ・アートママ / Tatsumi Orimoto:Ghost of Art-Mama


2019年10月には、その中での代表的な作品であるベートーヴェンの「運命」に合わせて母の髪の毛を逆立てたり戯れたりする映像《ベートーベン・ママ / 2012》をLondon East Asia Film Festival 2019(Tate Modern)に出品しました。

そしてこの時もフィルムディレクターDavid B.氏の協力の元、亡き母のポートレートのお面を被り、母に扮してロンドンの路上を散歩したのでした。そのドキュメントが表題の映像《ゴースト・オブ・アートママ》です。



またこの時期折元は ‘Steirischer Herbst ’21’ Graz/オーストリアでの50年に渡る歴史的な国際学会的な現代アートフェスティバルに参加します。https://www.facebook.com/steirischerherbst/


We are glad to inform you Tatsumi Orimoto (b.1946) will hold his 6th Solo exhibition in our Space and the first public exhibition of his new work in Tokyo.

Orimoto is an artist based in Kawasaki, Japan, and has been developing international activities.

From the 1990’s to 2017, Orimoto has created an impressive number of works collaborating with his mother Odai. Many of these works have been created from the situation of spending time together, while Orimoto was caring for her Alzheimer’s condition.

In October 2019, he exhibited one of his masterpieces “Beethoven Mama / 2012”, at the London East Asia Film Festival 2019, in which Orimoto made his mother’s hair Turn Upside down while she played.

Not only does Orimoto go to the city where his exhibitions are held each time, but he also makes new works on the streets with the materials available to the artist on site. At the time he was in London (2019), Orimoto made a film in collaboration with film director David B, in which he wore a mask of his mother who had Passed away, and walked on the streets of London. The documentation of that performance will be exhibited in this current exhibition at Aoyama | Meguro titled, “Ghost of Art Mama”.

This time, the images and video of that work will be exhibited in the Aoyama | Meguro gallery window alongside the street in Tokyo. Needless to say, it is possible that the gallery exhibition may be closed or postponed due to the current situation. However, the window along the road is accessible to viewers and a suitable environment to exhibit the video of his walk in London, which occurred just a few years ago.

Alongside the Video works, Orimoto will exhibit around 60 postcards in the space as related work, which he wrote and posted to his mother during the same stay.

During this period, he will also participate in the 'Steirischer Herbst '21' Graz : 50th international academic contemporary art festival in Austria.

We wish you are all safe and well. Thank You.

Translated by Jesse Hogan, Risa Kashiwagi

参加ギャラリー (クリックして作品をみる)

2-30-6 Kamimeguro, Meguro